2024 Tamkang Clement and Carrie Chair Lecture hosted by Department of Economics.


Topic: Evaluating Pharmaceutical Policy Options

Featuring: Ariel Pakes
 Ariel Pakes is the Thomas Professor of Economics in the Department of Economics at Harvard University, where he teaches courses in Industrial Organization and Econometrics. He received the Frisch Medal of the Econometric Society in 1986. He was elected as a fellow of that society in 1988, of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2002, and of the National Academy of Sciences in 2017. Pakes was the Distinguished Fellow of the Industrial Organization in 2007. In 2017 he received the Jean-Jacques Laffont Prize and in 2018 the BBVA Frontiers of Knowledge Award. In 2019 Pakes was appointed a distinguished fellow of the American Economic Association. In 2020 Pakes was selected to be citation laureate of the Web of Science. In 2021 Pakes received the Global Competition Review's annual award for Prosecution of Collusion and became the American Antitrust Institute's honoree for Outstanding Antitrust Litigation Achievement in Economics. In 2022 he was recipient of Northwestern University's Nemmers Prize in Economics, honored for his "fundamental contributions to the development of the field of empirical industrial organization as it is applied to the study of market power, prices, mergers and productivity.”

 Pakes’s research has focused on developing methods for empirically analyzing market responses to environmental and policy changes. He and his co-authors have applied these tools to the analysis of the auto, electricity, health care, and telecommunications equipment industries. Pakes also developed techniques for analyzing the impacts of privately funded research and development activity, for constructing a more accurate Consumer Price Index, and for analyzing the impact of incentive schemes on the hospital allocations of doctors. Many of Pakes’s methodological contributions have been incorporated into the work of government agencies and private firms.

* The event is free and open to the public, but advance registration is required.

* If you need temporary parking, please leave your car number as a note when registering and refer to the link temporary parking regulation for Parking charges.

* Contact: Ching-Yi Cheng and Ling-Chuan Kung, Department of Economics, Tamkang University. Tel. 02-26215656 ext. 2565, 2595


2024/06/05 10:10 ~ 2024/06/05 12:00


2024/05/02 19:30 ~ 2024/06/04 21:30



活動時數:2.0 小時
報名人次上限:360 名(目前報名人次:355)
預估錄取名額:360 名
