第六屆「淡江模擬聯合國安理會」Model United Nations 開放報名觀摩(全英語進行)


Are you wondering how things work at the United Nations? Are you inspired by the idea of affecting policy and making this world a better place? Or are you willing to meet your peers and enhance your network? If your answer is YES, then this activity is for you.
TKU MODEL UNITED NATIONS, an actual UN Security Council simulation. This event is organized by the Alpha League student club.
This year’s topic is: The risk of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East.
A Nuclear Weapon Free Zone (NWFZ) in the Middle East would do a lot to ease tensions. It would also make the area safer. With your fellow delegates you need to find a way to work towards making a NWFZ in the Middle East.
• How can your country play a role in making the Middle East a safer place with less violence?
• How can the countries in this region work together to create a nuclear-weapon-free zone?
• Why do some states want nuclear weapons and how can other states convince them to give up on nuclear weapons ?

You are welcome to participate or just observe.
information contact : stanislavstarchenk@gmail.com


2019/05/10 11:30 ~ 2019/05/10 16:00

Registration period:

2019/04/09 08:00 ~ 2019/05/10 10:30



Duration:3.5 hours
Registration Limit:30 (Current Registrants:14)


Alpha League社團、國際處

Organized by:高等教育深耕計畫辦公室
Contact Person:Stanislav Starchenko