本校國際處及工學院與澳洲姐妹校西雪梨大學於111年12月6日至16日,合辦澳洲姊妹校西雪梨大學淡江行活動,主題為Innovative Education 2022: Clean Water,本活動有6場專題演講及4場參訪,每場均以英文進行,並可獲得微學分,討論內容包含(一)水資源與環境生態與科技、(二)風工程與風洞實驗室體驗及(三)科技與資源全球未來發展。
Tamkang University cooperated with West Sydney University holding the Innovative Education 2022: Clean Water. We’d like to select 5~20 elite students from Tamkang University. The activity includes lectures, institution visits, and culture trips. Hope students among both universities have cross-cultural interactions through problem-based learning. We welcome anyone who is interested in this activity.
The program is free to join but there’s a NT1,000 deposit. Please sign up for the course or institution you would like to join and make the deposit payment which will return to participants after finishing the activity. On-campus lectures do not include meals, transportation or official leave application. Institution Visits outside the Tamsui area will provide a coach bus and lunch.
2022/12/12 09:00 ~ 2022/12/12 12:00
Registration period:
2022/11/10 08:00 ~ 2022/11/25 17:00
Duration:3.0 hours
Micro Credits:0.2
Registration Limit:20 (Current Registrants:9)
Estimated Number of Attendees:20