演講者:Professor Naoki Shinohara
Kyoto University
Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere (RISH)
主題一(9:10-10:10):Antenna Technologies for Wireless Power Transfer
Abstract: Antenna technology for the WPT, not only microwave antenna but also coil for inductive coupling will be mentioned in this talk. In order to increase efficiency from a transmitting antenna to a receiving antenna, we must consider a distance of reactive near field, radiative near field (Fresnel region), and far field (Fraunhofer region). Each distance seems to be on the different theory. But we can explain the efficiency totally from near field to far field by electromagnetic theory and antenna theory. For the WPT, we must realize 100% efficiency between tow antennas. In this talk, I will show that we can do it theoretically and technically. Special technology of the antenna for the WPT will be introduced in this talk.
主題二(10:10-12:00):Current Research and Development of Wireless Power Transfer
Abstract: Current R&D status and industrial applications of the wireless power transfer (WPT) will be presented in this talk. The talk will cover both the far-field WPT via radio waves and near-field WPT via magnetic field. Especially the far-field WPT via radio waves includes beam-type and ubiquitous-type WPT, and energy harvesting from broadcasting waves. The research of the WPT was started from the far-field WPT via radio waves, in particular the microwaves in 1960s. In recent years this became a hot topic again due to the rapid growth of wireless devices and the industrial near-field WPT simultaneously grows in the world. After this talk, you know brand-new R&D status and industrial applications of the WPT.
2017/05/09 09:00 ~ 2017/05/09 12:00
Registration period:
2017/05/02 08:00 ~ 2017/05/08 12:00
工學大樓 E787教室
Duration:3.0 hours
Registration Limit:100 (Full)