Daniel DRACHE是多倫多約克大學政治學名譽教授,加拿大研究Robarts中心高級研究員。他的工作聚焦於理解全球化描述中,經濟、社會和文化方面不斷變化的特徵。他曾於世界貿易組織失敗的多哈回合談判(Doha Development Round)中廣泛開展工作,其中特別關注糧食安全和營養,以及消除貧困。他廣泛發表了關於北美整合和北美自由貿易協定的文章。他還在2016年時,於倫敦國王學院發表演說:“加拿大歐洲自由貿易協定:我們應該擔心什麼?”和“中國的一帶一路倡議 - 成功和缺點”。他最近的著作包括:全球貿易與人權之聯繫:經濟艱困時期的新政策空間(Linking Global Trade and Human Rights: New Policy Space in Hard Economic Times. Daniel DRACHE and Lesley A. Jacobs(eds), New York: Cambridge University Press. 2014)。目前他正致力於一項重大研究項目 - 中國樞紐和新絲綢之路戰略 - 北京重建全球經濟的大膽計劃(the China Pivot and the New Silk Road Strategy– Beijing’s Audacious Plans to Remake the Global Economy),將於2018年由布魯姆斯伯里(Bloomsbury)出版。
他的作品得到了國際認可,他曾在世界各地進行過多次訪問,包括歐洲大學研究所、佛羅倫斯、法國經濟研究及應用中心-法國國家科學研究中心(CEPREMAP-CNRS, Center for Economic Research and its Applications- French National Center for Scientific Research)、巴黎、西雪梨大學和墨西哥國立自治大學(UNAM)。他獲得了加拿大社會科學和人文研究委員會(Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, SSHRC)、加拿大外交和國際貿易部(Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, DFAIT)以及加拿大國際開發署(Canadian International Development Agency, CIDA)的主要研究資助,以支持他的工作。除了他的學術工作,DRACHE教授還是CBC及其他國家新聞網的定期評論人。
Daniel DRACHE is Professor Emeritus of Political Science at York University, Toronto and Senior Research Fellow,the Robarts Centre for Canadian Studies. His work focuses on understanding the changing character of the globalisation narrative in its economic, social and cultural dimensions. He has worked extensively on the WTO's failed Doha Round with particular focus on food security and nutrition, and poverty eradication. He published extensively on North American integration and NAFTA. He is also lectured most recently on the “Canada European Free Trade Agreement: Ought We To Be Worried?” At King’s College London 2016 and on China’s Belt and Road Initiative - Successes And Shortcomings. His most recent books include: Daniel DRACHE and Lesley A. Jacobs (eds). Linking Global Trade and Human Rights: New Policy Space in Hard Economic Times. New York: Cambridge University Press. 2014, Currently he is at work on a major research project – the China Pivot and the New Silk Road Strategy– Beijing’s Audacious Plans to Remake the Global Economy and will be published by Bloomsbury, 2018.
His work has been recognised internationally and he has held numerous visiting appointments around the world including the European University Institute, Florence, CEPREMAP-CNRS, Paris, the University of Western Sydney and UNAM, Mexico. He has won major research grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT), and the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) in support of his work. In addition to his academic work, Professor DRACHE is also a regular commentator on national news for the CBC and other networks.
2019/05/07 10:00 ~ 2019/05/07 12:00
2019/04/17 08:00 ~ 2019/05/06 17:00
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