


講者:鍾琪 Chyi Chung
現職:美國 西北大學西葡系 教學教授
Professor of Instruction, Department of Spanish & Portuguese, Northwestern University, U.S.A.

Category:Faculty training in teaching


2023/04/17 12:00 ~ 2023/04/17 14:00

Registration period:

2023/04/10 08:00 ~ 2023/04/14 17:00


外語大樓 FL106

Duration:2.0 hours
Registration Limit:15 (Current Registrants:9)
Estimated Number of Attendees:15


鍾琪教授是美國芝加哥西北大學的Professor of Instruction。自 1997 年以來,她一直在 Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences教授本科西班牙語課程、研究所pedagogy/methodology課程,並於 2014 年至 2020 年擔任西班牙語系主任。
鍾琪持有the American Council of Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) Assessment of Performance toward Proficiency in Languages in Spanish (AAPPL) 證書、Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages(TCSOL)和Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages(TESOL)證書,經常性邀請擔任the Fulbright U.S. National English Teaching Assistantship Screening Committee委員,並參與伊利諾伊州教育和評估委員會擔任the Illinois Teacher Licensure Testing System Committee會員。


Chyi Chung is a Professor of Instruction in Spanish of the Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences at Northwestern University. She has taught undergraduate Spanish language courses, graduate pedagogy/methodology courses at Northwestern since 1997, and served as the Director of the Spanish Language Program at the Department of Spanish and Portuguese from 2014 to 2020.
Chyi holds the certification of Assessment of Performance toward Proficiency in Languages in Spanish (AAPPL) from the American Council of Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), the certifications in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (TCSOL) and in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL). She was invited by The Institute of International Education to serve on the Fulbright U.S. National English Teaching Assistantship Screening Committee, and by The Illinois State Board of Education and Evaluation System to be a test developer and to serve on the Illinois Teacher Licensure Testing System Committee. She has received several awards and honors from the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP), the Northwestern Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences Teaching Award, the Northwestern University School of Professional Studies Distinguished Teaching Award, and the Faculty Honor Roll of the Northwestern Associated Student Government.
Chyi was awarded grants and funding for her research and projects including flipped classroom learning and teaching, Spanish curriculum design, student assessment, instructor evaluation and mentorship, online language placement exam, DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) in the language classroom, etc…

Time Section Contents
12:00 ~ 12:300主席致詞、介紹講者 (12:10 - 12:20 )
12:30 ~ 13:300專題演講 (12:20 - 13:30)
13:30 ~ 14:000綜合討論 (13:30 - 13:50)

Organized by:西班牙語文學系
Contact Person:謝寧馨