Awareness in the Dark: Navigating Your Inner World


What happens when we remove our vision and have to rely on our other senses?
How does our understanding of ourselves and our experience of our surroundings change?

In this workshop, we will explore self-care in a whole new way:
blindfolded and in the dark. By removing our visual sense, we will draw attention to the sensory experience and tap into our other senses to deepen our self-awareness and cultivate a greater sense of mindfulness.

Through guided exercises and discussion, we will learn how to tune in to our mind and body in ways that promote wellness and balance. We will also be practicing mindfulness techniques such as anchor-breath and body scan.

Whether you're looking to reduce stress, enhance your self-care practice, or simply try something new, this workshop is designed to offer a unique experience in the dark.

Please note that this will be an event where participants will be wearing blindfolds for the majority of the workshop.
Please bring your own blindfold!

Instructors: Rosalyn(Educator/Dance Practitioner)、Joey(Psychologist/Music Therapist)


2023/04/28 18:00 ~ 2023/04/28 21:00


2023/04/07 08:00 ~ 2023/04/21 22:00


體育館 SG 舞蹈教室

報名人次上限:20 名(目前報名人次:4)
預估錄取名額:18 名

聯絡人:Chen, Wei Psychological Counselor
聯絡電話:02-2621-5656 #2221