主講人:劉逸明 博士(Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.)
題 目:Cluster Analysis for Ordered Categorical Data
時 間:下午2:10開始
地 點:科學館S433
Ordinal categorical data can arise in a questionnaire where Likert scale esponses to a question might be `better’, `unchanged’ or `worse’. For the identification of groups, patterns, clusters in an ordinal dataset, a common approach uses traditional cluster analysis methods by wrongly treating the ordinal score as a continuous measurement. This approach does not exploit the true ranked nature of the responses, and thus have unreliable results. We have developed likelihood-based models for single mode clustering and co-clustering where the rows (e.g., individuals in a questionnaire) and columns (e.g., questions) of a matrix are clustered simultaneously. It applies fuzzy clustering via finite mixtures to ordinal response models. Model-fitting is performed using the expectation-maximization algorithm and a fuzzy allocation of rows, columns, and rows and columns simultaneously to corresponding clusters is obtained. This talk gives a summary of recent results of our working group on this topic. It includes the development on various ordinal models, Bayesian approaches, alternative correlation structures, and data visualization methods. The application in real datasets is also shown..
2023/05/09 14:10 ~ 2023/05/09 16:00
2023/04/24 14:30 ~ 2023/05/08 17:00
科學館 S433室
活動時數:2.0 小時