主講人:彭健育 博士 (中央研究院統計科學研究所)
Degradation tests are widely used to assess the lifetime information of highly reliable products. Before conducting a degradation test, the fundamental issues in regard to decision variables are to determine how many sample sizes are needed, how long samples need to be tested, and how many measurements are taken, particularly in early experiments with limited budgets. By minimizing the approximate variance of the estimated q-th quantile of the product’s lifetime distribution with a cost constraint, profile optimum planning (POP) is proposed to provide a systematic solution to these decision variables under mild conditions. Based on the derived theoretical results, the use of flow charts efficiently simplifies complex optimization problems in practical applications. In addition, sensitivity analysis is studied to elucidate the effect of how the uncertainty in POP can be divided and allocated to the experimental costs and model parameters.
備 註:本活動與SDGs連結如下:SDG4優質教育
2021/11/23 14:10 ~ 2021/11/23 16:00
2021/10/29 16:00 ~ 2021/11/22 17:00
科學館 S433室
活動時數:2.0 小時
報名人次上限:30 名(目前報名人次:17)