主講人:洪芷漪 教授(政治大學應用數學系)
題 目:A random spread model with frozen types
日 期:112年11月7日(星期二)
When a type has been ``frozen" (namely, a type of which an individual only produces one individual of the same type), its spread pattern will be changed and this change will affect the long-term behavior of the whole system. However, in a frozen system, the offspring mean matrix is no longer primitive so that the Perron-Frobenius theorem can’t be applied directly when predicting the spread rates. In this talk, we will characterize the offspring mean matrix of the frozen system and analyze the relationship among the growth rate, the spread rate and the eigenvectors associated with the maximal eigenvalues of the offspring mean matrix and its component
Category:Faculty training in teaching
2023/11/07 14:10 ~ 2023/11/07 15:30
Registration period:
2023/11/01 13:00 ~ 2023/11/07 12:00
科學館 S433室
Duration:1.0 hours
Registration Limit:20 (Current Registrants:11)